Thursday, April 18, 2013

                In only 34 days, my service group and I will be leaving (May 22) for Senegal  to work at the school, Adja Penda Ba, situated in Nioro, a rural area of the country. Before we arrive we will first make contact with connections in Dakar (the capital); these connections include the United States Embassy and the International School of Dakar (ISD). The goal from working with these connections is to establish a long lasting relationship with each in order to develop an effective partnership for furthering OPEN International's cause. For those unfamiliar with OPEN International, it is an organization established roughly 4 years ago by Khady Lusby, and it is dedicated to the cause of Adja Penda Ba(please visit: for further information).
                After spending some time in Dakar, our group will move on to Nioro and will work at Adja Penda Ba to help in any way we can. Our projects will range from building floors in classrooms of the school to working with the students themselves. It will be an exciting and enriching week and I am looking forward to getting started.

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog post. I'd like to share a suggestion and then give you your next assignment. Hypertext is a truly wonderful thing, and it is easily supported in a blog. When you mention, "Adja Penda Ba" or "Open International", for example, make that text into a link to more information about them. I can show you how to do this next week, but you can probably figure it out on your own.

    Now for your assignment: visit the website, and click on the "teachers" link:

    Follow this tutorial, making notes (right here in this blog) about what you learn.
